Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm glad I' finally going home

Mas eu vou continuar chamando de "Trololololo".

(O verao vai bem, vai, logo vai-se emboraa! As criancas vao me fazer perder os dreads! E eu ainda continuo acumulando emprestimos e dividas pra pagar a faculdade! Glod Bless America)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


"Vim parar nessa cidade por forca das circunstancias, sou assim desde crianca me criei meio sem lar"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ah o verao...
Epoca que vc vai viver tudo que vai contar para os seus netos neh?

Pois eh, o verao daqui tem muitas expectativas, muitas, demais, demais...

Entao voce tem 3 meses pra fazer tudo oque nao deu pra fazer nos outros 9 meses de inverno, neve, frio do capeta, escola essas coisas.

Agora eu tenho 3 meses, pra ser feliz, achar um emprego de verao, usar todas as roupas de verao (que sao muitas), ir a praia (e fingir que esta super quenter) sair, correr, aproveitar ao maximo a fotossintese, fazer amizade com os vizinhos, usar chinelo...

Po tres meses pra isso tudo, a pressao eh grande. Eh meio patetico, porque no fundo eu ja vejo os meses cinzas e frios la na esquina, e as pessoas cinzas e ranzinzas (?)

Mas por enquanto a gente vai fingindo que eh feliz e colorido, afinal sao so tres meses e nao se pode gasta-los com crises e pensamentos sobre a condicao de vida.

[O aquecimento global aparentemente esta longe de afetar Boston]

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Criancas perdidas.

O negocio e o seguinte: A sociedade trapaceia essas criancas nascendo nas favelas, no suburbio, na miseria. Antes achava que isso era problema do "Terceiro Mundo" que chamam o Brasil. Pois bem, ca estou em Boston, Nordeste dos Estados Unidos, Harvard, MIT e todas as outras Ivy Leagues Universidades, o negocio aqui eh trend, tech e sofisticado. Mas entao aqui mesmo, nasceu Tom. A mae do Tom ta desempregada, usa drogas, o pai bate na mulher e nos outros dois irmaos de Tom, alem disso esta sempre entrando e saindo da prisao. O pequeno Tom ainda nao sabe que ele ja nasceu perdendo, ja nasceu sem familia, abaixo do peso, sem receber a alimentacao necessaria. Ai o Tom vai ter 3 anos de idade e ja vai demonstrar um deficit medido em 300.000 palavras que ele sabe a menos que qualquer outra crianca de 3 anos que nasceu em uma familia de classe media. Na escola ele mostrara deficiencias, entao os "otimos professores" com salarios "otimos" vao rotular Tom como retardatario, dizer que ele precisa de ajuda, mas ninguem tem tempo pra isso. Provavelmente Tom vai se sentir oprimido pela sua situacao, a vai mostrar os famosos comportamentos desafiantes, o inevitavel acontece: Tom eh um garoto problema. Tom aceita o titulo, garotos problemas causam confusao, ganham atencao, sao alguma coisa, e o termo "ser" eh pouco empregado em sua vida. E dai ate chegar a ser preso, usar drogas e se envolver com o crime e apenas uma questao de anos. Aleas dia desses no trabalho conversando com uma colega, ela me diz que a menina que ela mentora mora num bairro onde na porta da frente tem gente vendendo droga, gente que nao mora la, e na porta de tras tem neguinho jogando armas pelas janela pra policia nao apreender? E eh assim que a nossa aluna do programa vai pra casa todos os dias! Pode?

Mas entao o nosso Tom ja nasceu com destino marcado, a linha da vida dele ja mostrava o fim quando ele saiu da maternidade. E o governo,e a sociedade? Votou pela construcao de mais cadeias, por que os 40 mil dolares gastos por ano com um presidiario faz mais sentido do que os 18 mil dolares por ano que se gastariam para dar uma educacao decente pro Tom, pra ajudar o menino ter o apoio e atencao que ele nao teve em casa.

Faz sentido dai chingar o Tom, e separa-lo dos bons, porque o Tom minha gente nao tem escrupulos nem sentimentos! Quantos meninos e meninas nao tem esse destino? Ate quando a sociedade vai fingir que nao os ve? Ate quando essas criancas vao ser trapaciadas e continuar no ciclo da pobreza e crime enquanto os ricos ficam cada vez mais ricos?

[Se eu pudesse eu nao seria um problema social, por um menino de rua. Seu Jorge]

Friday, April 30, 2010

About the City

But what we forgot; under the pavement there are so many flowers, thus they were never born.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Beautiful story of a great man.

What would you do if somebody tells you that you have no more than a year to live? Would you cry and get depressed? Deny and hide the facts? Give up? Find all your forces and fight? James O'Connor chose the last option. O'Connor was diagnosed with a cancer known to be fatal, mesothelioma, and was told he had no more than a year to live. His cancer was due to an intensive exposure to asbestos when he was younger. A surgery could not be done because the tumor was located close to the spine. Doctors suggested that O'Connor should enjoy his last moments with his wife and accept his "unchangeable" fate. But he was too passionate for life and wasn't about to give up.

Determination is what it takes to be capable of battle such a strong disease that cancer is. O'Connor was a strong man, he used his time and dug himself into studies and researches. He gathered as much information as he could to help him understand his cancer, mesothelioma. His perseverance lead him to live six years longer than what doctors expected, he died at the age of 69 as an example to be followed, an inspiration to the community.

A cancer diagnose can bring the best and worse in us. I think of it as if a big timer is put in front of you, and you are in a countdown "tick, tock" "tick, tock" every minute passed is putting you closer to the end. No one could help but get anguish in a situation like that. We are capable to live our lives in peace, because we are not frequently thinking that one day it will come to an end. I think that this "tick, tock" in my mind would move me towards an excessive exercice to try to live and find the cure. I am sure I would not be willing to give up my life so easy. It is part of human instinct to fight for survival. I would dedicate my time like O'Connor did and search for what is best out there, look for other people facing the same problem, get in touch. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery might be a good option, but I would also look for other kinds of therapies and I am aware that there are many avaiable.

My sister at the age of 3 was diagnosed with Leukemia; it was a shock for our family to know that we could lose our little child to a cancer. Fortunately her disease was in the beginning and there were treatments availabe, as well as a very good center for kids with cancer in our hometown in Brazil. An infant of 3 years old does not know what cancer is. We were the ones to know what that meant, and together we stood to believe and do whatever was necessary to make sure our loved one was going to be all right and have a great childhood.

It's been almost two years since her first chemotherapy session; she is reacting really well to the treatment and is going to finish it soon. It's valid to say it wasn't easy for the ones surround her. There were moments that my sister seemed to be the most optimistic of us all, she would say with a smile on her face: "Don't worry mom, we are going to go home soon to play with the dolls". I guess that's what it takes to survive a cancer and look forward to life: the innocence and the love for the simple things of life that a child has.

Doctors, drugs and all the knowledge involved in the cure for cancer are definately really essencial. But I would not forget the alternative and complementary therapy. For example in the hospital that my sister has her treatment, every wednesday volunteers would bring some small dogs and other small domestic animals to play with the children. The simple fact of seeing a little puppy and playing with it made those children day very happy. They always look forward for the wednesdays. There are several researches that report that children exposed to the "animal sessions" while in the hospital recover in a faster pace.It's a simple action but played a big role in the battle agaisnt cancer in those children's lives. I would certainly make use of some therapy that helped free my mind and relax, after all body and mind work together. Friends and family would also be a huge part in my treatment. After all I would want to be alive to be with them and share our love.

O'Connor life was an example to be followed. He was as much human as me and you are, and he was such a good warrior, we should always look up for his beautiful story, with he could do what he did I believe all of us could do, as long as we have the same strengh and love for life that he had. Whenever we fell like there is no exit for a problem we should think twice and and follow the example of a great man like him or even adopt the position that only innocent children have.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yesterday Feelings

Close my eyes and look to the back of mind,

Now all those feelings, those yesterday feelings will all be lost in time
But today I've wasted it away, for today it's on mind mind

Ontem ja passou, bem rapido, preciso pensar no agora que passa bem devagar, preciso engolir o choro. Sorria e acene, apenas sorria e acene.

[the used. for today]